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Sulfo Acid

1. Detailed description
Common Name: Sulfo acid
CAS No. : 27176-87-0
Molecular Formula: HSO3Cl
Molecular Weight: 116.52
Molecular Structure: R-C6H4-SO3H (R = Average C12 Alkyl)
Appearance: Viscous, Light Brown Liquid
Packing: Plastic Drum

2. Specifications:
Active matter: 96% min.
Sulphate: 1.5% max.
Free oil: 2.0% max
Color: 50klett max
LABSA (Linear Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid) 96%

3. Physical and Chemical Properties:
It is colorless or light yellow oily smoke liquid with stimilating smell and when meet the water, it will explore ahd a lot of heat will be released and the corrosion performance is great.

4. Usage:
It is the raw material of active dyes, detergent, plastic, pesticide, saccharin and national defence and so on.

5. Package and Transportation:
(1). Storied in special tank or tank track and clean regulaerly.
(2). The tank should be colsed and storieed in wood box and the weight should be lss than 50kg;
(3). The outside of the package should be pasted as " corrosion" mark and " avoid of water" mark.
(4). It should be transported as dangerous rules.
(5). It should be storied in cool and dry ware house and void of water, easy catching on fire natters, metal powder, oxidant, and so on. Avoid of leaning and roller.