Product Main


AK-FY-2076E has two functions as follow:
<1>High Potential Therapy: Scientific practice has proved that the appropriate strength of the electric field will have a beneficial impact on each part of the body cells.
<2>Partial treatment therapy: Only available for High/Negative potential function. It is for the whole body or partial therapy to relieve pain and fatigue, improve blood circulation, activate body cell.

High-potential Therapy which used for:
Senile disease: High blood pressure, high blood fat, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic bron chitis, apoplexysequela. etc
Disease in the gastrointestinal tract: Stomach upset, astriction. etc.
People of sub-health: Menopausal syndrome, persistent fatigue, asthenia, sleeplessness, non- organic disease, poor appetite, etc.
People of good -health: To relieve fatigue, prevent disease, keep fitness and build body

Other: Rheumatoid arthritis, weakness due to long illness, etc