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Refractory brick
7 years experience
ISO certified professional manufacturer of refractory bricks in China
Quality : SK-32/34

Fireclay bricks use Chamotte that the fire clay is calcined as the main material.
These bricks consist of fire clay and binder.(detail)
Quality : SK-32, SK-34 etc.
ISO certified professional manufacturer of refractory bricks in china.
High temperature corrosion-resistant properties, good thermal shock resistance

SK-32/34  fireclay  refractory brick  Chemical & Physical properties
  RI A.P. B.D. C.C.S. RUL PLC(%)
  ≥(°C) ≤% ≥g/cm3 ≥Mpa ≥0.2Mpa°C 1400°C×2h 1350°C×2h
N-1 176 22   300 1400 0.1~-0.4  
N-2a 174 24   250 1350 0.1~-0.5  
N-2b 174 26   200   0.2~-0.5  
N-3a 172 24   200 1320   0.2~-0.5
N-3b 172 26   150     0.2~-0.5
N-4 170 24   200 1300   0.2~-0.5
N-5 166 26   150     0.2~-0.5
N-6 158 28   150      

 Manufacturing Process of Refractories
01. Crushing
In this stage massive raw materials which have been stored, are ground and classified into proper sizes, making them easier to shape.
02. Mixing
The prescribed size of ground raw material is weighed and mixed into a designated amount of water and forming agent.
03. Shaping
The mixture is then poured into a mold to form shapes, and the pressure is high.
04. Drying
In this stage water is removed from the shaped bricks. This helps preventing the bricks from deforming or cracking which may result due to the rapid evaporation
05. Firing
This is the most crucial process in refractory manufacturing. The modeled bricks are fired at high temperature to complete their thermochemical reaction so that they do not deform.
06. Inspection
The bricks' physical and chemical properties are inspected very carefully by rigid quality management procedures.
07. Packing shipment
We guarantee efficient delivery every time.