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Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC)

1. Detailed description
CAS No.: 9000-11-7
Molecular Formula: [C6H7O2 (OH) 2CH2COONa] n
Appearance: White or yellowish power, granular, threadiness.
Property: No smell, non- poisonous, easy to dissolve in water, not dissolve in alcohol and acetone, etc organic solution, pH 2~10

2. Specification:
(1). CMC for Detergent
(2). CMC for Oil drilling liquids
Viscosity coefficient: 400
(3). CMC for Food
Appearance: White or light yellow free flowing powder
Viscosity(25, Brookfield-LVT): 100-4000Pas
Purity: 95.0%-99.5% min
Chloride: 1.0% max
Degree of subsititution: 0.60-1.0
Moisture: 8.0% max
pH value(1% aqueous soln: 6.0-8.5)

3. Usage:
CMC is widely used in oil drilling, textiles, pharmaceutical, paint, ceramics, daily-use chemicals, paper and other industries. It can be used as suspending agent, water loss reducer, sealant, glueing agent, thickener, emulsifying agent, stabilizator, dispersing agent, etc.
Details as below,
<1>. Drilling and digging well project of oil, natural gas.
<2>. Textile and dyeing industry.
As the sizing agents, CMC has been used in the fine gauze sizing of cotton, gloria, and blending.
<3>. Papermaking induatry.
CMC is used as the smooth agent of paper, as well as sizing agent. If you add 0.1%~0.3% of CMC to the pulp, the tension stress of the paper will enhance by 40%~50%.
<4>. Saponde and chemistry of daily use
It can be used as dirt adsorbent in the saponde. The glycerol water solution of CMC can be used as the glue base of toothpaste.
<5>. Ceramics industry
CMC can be used as the adhesives, plasticizer of the blank, as well as the suspending agent and color fixing agent of the glaze medicine.
<6>. Building industry
Enhancing the water-retaining property and the strength.
<7>. Pharmaceutical
CMC can be used as the adhesive, disintegrating agent and suspending agent of the troche.
<8>. Food industry
Used as stabilizing agent of acid drink due to its unusual characteristic and Superior Quality.

Furthermore, CMC is used in ice cream to make water, sebum, protein to form a mixture which is stable and well dipersed. At the same time, it tastes good, smooth and has good formability. Used in bread and cakes, CMC can control paste viscosity and strengthen water taking and keeping.

4. Storage: It should be paid attention to when moistureproof, fire prevention, prevent heat, requirement in ventilation, dry place.