Product Main


Molecular Formula: HCOOH
CAS No:  64-81-6
First Grade
Second Grade
Colour Index Platinum Cobalt
10 max
20 max
90 % min
85 % min
Sulphate as SO4
0.001 % max
0.002 % max
Chloride as CL
0.003 % max
0.005 % max
0.0001 % max
0.0005 % max
Evaporation Residue
0.006 % max
0.02 % max

Appearance: Colorless, Fuming Liquid
     Packing: 25/35/100kg plastic drums or as our customers` demands
 Usage: The principal use of formic acid is as a preservative and antibacterial agent in livestock feed. When sprayed on fresh hay or other silage, it arrests certain decay processes and causes the feed to retain its nutritive value longer, and so it is widely used to preserve winter feed for cattle.