Product Main


Molecular Formula: CaCl2
CAS No.: 10043-52-4
EINECS No.: 233-140-8
Appearance: white crystal or block 
Purposes: 1> Industrial Use: It is used as dehydrating agent in producing alcohols, esters, ethers and acrylic resin. It is used as materials for producing calcium metal, barium chloride, and various calcium salt (such as calcium phosphate etc.). It is used as freeze-proof agent in the construction industry to accelerate hardening of concrete and increase cold-resistant capacity of building mortar. It is used as culture medium of haploid breeding in the microbiological industry. It is used as protective agent and refine agent for aluminum and magnesium metallurgy. It is used as fireproofing agent of textile, antifogging agent of harbor, dust-collecting agent of road surface, and food preservative, etc.. It is used as precipitating agent of producing mordant pigment. It is used as deinking agent of waste paper processing.  2> Medical Use: