Our company is specializing in the production of Metallurgical Equipment, and enjoys the intellectual property rights of developing and producing the cold tube rolling mill with high speed and long stroke, heavy-duty cold drawing mill and various kinds of tube and bar straightened and pellet products. As a result of the advanced technology introduction, the product embodies the sophisticated designing and manufacturing technology of the well-know companies, e.g. Italian, German, British, Swedish, Japanese, etc. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of products had reached the world’s advanced level.
CITICIC Luoyang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd also produces various kinds of large mixing furnaces, converters, plate rolling mill and square –billet continuous casting mills.
Manufacturing facilities
CITICIC Luoyang Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd is equipped with above 2400 sets of equipment, including 300 odd hot working equipment, 1300 odd machining lathes, 400 odd lifting equipment. There are some large –sized sophisticated equipment and advanced imported equipment tha t are rarely seen in China. With all kinds if manufacturing equipment and perfect process, it had stronger adaptability to the market.