Product Main


Name: Usnic Acid & Usnic Acid Sodium
Latin name: Usnea Dasypoga Ach
Product category: Ingredients
Product Effectiveness: antibiotic action
Botanical Source: Usnea Dasypoga Ach
Used Part: Herb
Specifications: 98% Usnic acid  HPLC
Appearance: Yellow crystalline substance
CAS No.: 7562- 61-0
Molecular Formula:C18H16O7
Molecular Weight: 344.32
Indications and Uses:
Usnic acid is extracted from Usnea, Usnea, also known as old mans beard, is not a plant but a lichena symbiotic relationship between an algae and a fungus. The entire lichen is used medicinally. Usnea looks like long, fuzzy strings hanging from trees in the forests
In natural remedies, especially in the veterinary medicine, Usnic Acid is used in powders and ointments for the treatment of infections of the skin. Usnic acid as a pure substance has been formulated in creams, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorants and sunscreen products, in some cases as an active principle, in others as a preservative.
Product Packaging: 25kg/drum with inner double plastic bags 0.065m³
Shelf Life: 2Years