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Our Company activity focuses on:
Research into security locked MCU (microcontrollers), CPLDs and FPGAs
Developing attack methods for MaskROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash, Antifuse and FRAM
If you are interested in our product, pls contact us!


40-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
with 10-Bit A/ D and nanoWatt Technology.
Power Managed Modes:
• Run: CPU on, peripherals on
• Idle: CPU off, peripherals on
• Sleep: CPU off, peripherals off
• Idle mode currents down to 2.5 ¼ A typical
• Sleep mode current down to 100 nA typical
• Timer1 Oscillator: 1.8 ¼ A, 32 kHz, 2V
• Watchdog Timer: 1.4 ¼ A, 2V typical
• Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up
Flexible Oscillator Structure:
• Four Crystal modes, up to 40 MHz
• 4x Phase Lock Loop ( PLL) – available for crystal
and internal oscillators)
• Two External RC modes, up to 4 MHz
• Two External Clock modes, up to 40 MHz
• Internal oscillator block:
- 8 user selectable frequencies, from 31 kHz to
8 MHz
- Provides a complete range of clock speeds
from 31 kHz to 32 MHz when used with PLL
- User tunable to compensate for frequency drift
• Secondary oscillator using Timer1 @ 32 kHz
• Fail-Safe Clock Monitor
- Allows for safe shutdown if peripheral clock stops
Peripheral Highlights:
• High-current sink/ source 25 mA/ 25 mA
• Three programmable external interrupts
• Four input change interrupts
• Up to 2 Capture/ Compare/ PWM ( CCP) modules,
one with Auto-Shutdown ( 28-pin devices)
• Enhanced Capture/ Compare/ PWM ( ECCP)
module ( 40/ 44-pin devices only) :
- One, two or four PWM outputs
- Selectable polarity
- Programmable dead time
- Auto-Shutdown and Auto-Restart
Peripheral Highlights ( Continued) :
• Master Synchronous Serial Port ( MSSP) module
supporting 3-wire SPI™ ( all 4 modes) and I2C™
Master and Slave modes
• Enhanced Addressable USART module:
- Supports RS-485, RS-232 and LIN 1.2
- RS-232 operation using internal oscillator
block ( no external crystal required)
- Auto-Wake-up on Start bit
- Auto-Baud Detect
• 10-bit, up to 13-channel Analog-to-Digital
Converter module ( A/ D) :
- Auto-acquisition capability
- Conversion available during Sleep
• Dual analog comparators with input multiplexing
• Programmable 16-level High/ Low-Voltage
Detection ( HLVD) module:
- Supports interrupt on High/ Low-Voltage Detection
Special Microcontroller Features:
• C compiler optimized architecture:
- Optional extended instruction set designed to
optimize re-entrant code
• 100, 000 erase/ write cycle Enhanced Flash
program memory typical
• 1, 000, 000 erase/ write cycle Data EEPROM
memory typical
• Flash/ Data EEPROM Retention: 100 years typical
• Self-programmable under software control
• Priority levels for interrupts
• 8 x 8 Single Cycle Hardware Multiplier
• Extended Watchdog Timer ( WDT) :
- Programmable period from 4 ms to 131s
• Single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial
Programming™ ( ICSP™ ) via two pins
• In-Circuit Debug ( ICD) via two pins
• Wide operating voltage range: 2.0V to 5.5V
• Programmable Brown-out Reset ( BOR) with
software enable option