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Brief Introduction

Aerated concrete has developed nearly one hundred years abroad and has become a mainstay part of construction industry. China has introduced this technology for about 40 years and thus technology process and equipments are becoming mature. The aerated concrete is characterized by light volume weight, good heat insulation and sound insulation, adequate intensity plus abundant sources of raw materials, especially fly ash. Thus developing aerated concrete can make the comprhensive use of industrial waste slag, control environmental pollution, save arable land, and bring good social and economic effects, thus being an ideal wall material replacing traditional solid clay brick. With the strong support of policies of developing new wall materials , tax and enviromental protection, the aerated concrete products have developed into an important part of new building materials, with a bright market prospect.
The aerated concrete can be produced in different technology process according to types and quality of raw materials and the main eqipment conditions etc. But generally, the following process is used: poue moderate water into fly ash or silica sand and grind them into slurry pour powered lime, cement & foaming agent mix and pour them into model frame wait until they foam and harden cut into blocks or boards send them into autoclave under high temperature and saturated vapor, porous and lightweight aerated concrete products come into being.

The development of aerated concrete and its characteristics:

(1) all kinds of raw materials Reserve Wharf
(2) Measurement Batching
(3) raw materials Add water Stir mixture
(4) Abrasives Read
(5) Cast
(6) of gas Static Stop
(7)Miss Membrane
(8) turnover, Level Cutting, Vertical Cutting
(9) Marshalling The Kettle
(10)high temperature and high pressure Conservation
(11) Finished The Kettle
(12) test Finished
(13) packaging
(14) Codes Heaps Storage
(15) factory