Product Main


Molecular Formula: H3PO4
Molecular weight: 97.99
Content: 75% , 81%,  85% .
It is Colorless, transparent and syrupy liquid; It is odorless and tastes very sour; its melting point is 42.35 ℃; it is easily soluble in water and resolves in ethanol; it may irritate human skin to cause phlogosis and destroy the issue of human body; it has got hydroscopic.
As a acidity regulator and nutrition agent for yeast. Phosphoric acid food grade may be applied to flavors, canned food and light drinks as well as used in wine brewery as a nutrients source for yeast to prevent the reproduction of useless bacteria.
In plastic drum of 35 kg , 330 kg net each or in IBC drum of 1600kg net each.

Specifications of Phosphoric Acid Food Grade:
(As per National standard of Chinese GB3149-2004)
1 Color Apha ≤20
2 H3PO4    % ≥75.0 / 81.0 / 85.0
3 Arsenic (As) % ≤0.00005
4 Heavy metal (Pb) % ≤0.0005
5 Fluorine(F) % ≤0.0010
6 Oxide(H3PO3) % ≤0.0120