Product Main


Magnesium Hydroxide
CAS NO. : 1309-42-8;12195-86-7;13760-51-5 
Chemical Formula: Mg(OH)2
Molecular Weight: 58.3
Magnesium Hydroxide is based on mineral raw material from north-east of China and special production technology. It represents a non halogen flame retardant with low smoke emission, tailor made for plastic and elastomer applications. During the decomposition process no toxic or corrosive gases are generated.In addition, it is excellent smoke suppressant and acid scavenger. Its high thermal stability – up to 340°C – enables its use where Aluminum trihaydrate is not sufficiently stable. 
It is used as a flame retardant and smoke suppressant in cables, LDPE and HDPE, PP homo and copolymers and nylons. It is also used as a smoke suppressant in PVC. 
It is also available in fined and surface-treated grades which are suited to specific applications: increase inter consisitency with basic materials and improve the synthetical property.
Surface treatment agents: Stearic acid & Silane
Specification Data Sheet

Mg(OH)2 %
93 min
MgO %
64 min
Particle Size µm
90 min
SiO2 %
3.0 max
CaO %
1 max
Fe2O3 %
0.3 max
L.O.I %
29 min
Ore Density g/cm3