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Vitamin C Resist oxidation and improve immunity
Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is an important nutrient, which must be obtained from the diet or by supplementation, as it cannot be synthesized by the human body. Major dietary sources of vitamin C are green vegetables and fruit. Vitamin C is one of the most labile dietary nutrients, being easily destroyed by cooking or food processing. Levels of vitamin C are reduced by smoking, drinking alcohol, as well as by certain drugs (e. g. Anticoagulants, antidepressants, oral contraceptives). Deficiency of vitamin C results in scurvy.
Nutritional Components:
Content per Tablet
Vitamin C
≥ 20mg
600mg x 100 tablets
For adult 3-4 tablets daily, for children 1-2 tablets daily. Take by chewing after meals.
Kindly Reminder:
Vitamin C cannot be taken together with seafood. It is recommended to take Vitamin C together with Vitamin E to get a better whitening and oxidation resisting effect.
Product Features
1. Taking vegetables and fruits growing in a natural and pollution-free environment as the raw materials.
2. Highly concentrated Vitamin C extracted with high technology.
Nutritional Effects
1. Build up resistance, prevent diseases such as cold and improve the health of skin, bones, teeth and muscles.
2. Resist oxidation, detoxify bodies and reduce harms from medicine, smoking, drinking and environmental pollution.
3. Promote absorption of iron and calcium and prevent scorbutus.
4. Promote synthesis of connective tissues and collagens and help wound healing.
5. Participate in cholesterol metabolism and help fat dissolution.
Suitable for
1. People requiring beauty maintaining, skin whitening and spot removing.
2. People with poor immunity and prone to colds.
3. People with insufficient vegetable and fruit intake in daily diet.
4. People with frequent smoking, drinking or living in an environment with heavy pollution.