1. It is a paper can elbow machine with 5 work workstations. It is controlled by PLC and servo system with automatic detection, precise location of paper can. Elbow module is driven by mechanical components automatically. Paper cans are guided into the machine continuously. So the machine can work efficiently and continuously.
2. It is so simple to operate the machine because of the touch screen. Almost all of the actuators can be worked independently, so the debug process will be very easy. The modular design of module makes the replacement of the module very easy and quick.
3. Elbow mould can be detached from the machine, and the mould can be designed by the users according to the actual using condition.
4. The lubrication of the machine is completed by an automatic mechanism. The module auto cooling system ensures the safety of the machine even working in high speed condition.
5. Direct in and direct out mode of paper can makes it easy to realize the cooperation of several different machine.
Main Specification,
Efficiency: 20-45 cans per minute
Diameter of can: 50-160mm
Height of can: 50-420mm
Power: 2.8KW
Pressure of Air: 0.5Mpa