Product Main


EA-3000 Portable Engine Analyzer is a professional tool for the test of overall performance of vehicle engine. The innovative device is capable of testing working conditions, operation parameters of engine by capturing the primary and secondary
ignition signal, injection signal and sensor signal in real time and supports integration of several other devices: emission analyzer, smoke meter, test lane, as well as diagnosis scanner.
The analyzer can play, save, recall and print out test results that can be used in engine status judging and problem finding.
The built-in help system keeps manufacturer technical data of more than 2000 vehicle models.
is made of state-of-art computer, smart trolley stand and various adaptors & cables.
Standard Packing List

1 Primary signal pickup Primary signal 1 1280401
2 Primary signal pickup adapter Primary signal 1 1280401-1

3 Injection pressure test cable Injection waveform 1 1280402

4 Battery voltage & charging voltage test cable Battery voltage 1 1280403

5 Starting current pickup Starting current 1 1280404

6 Charging current pickup Charging current 1 1280405

7 Cylinder 1 signal pickup Cylinder 1 signal 1 1280406

8 Sync signal pickup Primary/injection Sync 1 1280406-1

9 Intake pressure test pickup Intake pressure 1 1280407

10 Secondary signal adapter Secondary signal 1 1280408

11 Inductive secondary signal pickup Secondary signal 1 1280408 -1

12 Secondary signal adapter (single cylinder) PASSAT 1 1280408-S1

13 Secondary signal adapter (single cylinder) BMW 1 1280408-S2

14 Secondary signal adapter (single cylinder) BENZ E 1 1280408-S3

15 Secondary signal adapter (single cylinder) TOYOTANISSAN 1 1280408-S4

16 Secondary signal adapter (double cylinder) Secondary signal (double signal) 1 1280408-D1

17 Secondary signal adapter (double cylinder) BENZ S320 1 1280408-D2

18 Multimeter probe multimeter 1 1280409 42 5# battery 4

19 Universal probe pickup Sensor signal 1 1280410 43 Touch pen 1

20 Timing light test cable Ignition advance angle 1 1280411

21 Temperature pickup Temperature 1 1280412

22 LAMN softdog RG-GA V3.0 1

23 BENZ S320 slice sensor 3

24 Secondary signal slice sensor 8

25 PASSAT 1.8GLI GSI slice sensor 4

26 HONDA LEGEND slice sensor 6
27 Primary signal converting cable 10

28 Secondary signal converting cable 8
29 Secondary signal jumping cable 1
30 Secondary signal connecting cable 1
31 Secondary signal tandem connector 2 2 pcs for black and red
32 Secondary signal clip 8 4 pcs for black and red
33 EC test tool group 1 set
34 8PIN navigation socket and DB15 converting cable 3
35 Computer power cable 1
36 Timing gun 1
37 Injection pressure sensor 1
38 Cabinet 1
39 Cannon S200SPX printer 1 W/USB power cable
40 Industry computer 1 Original package
41 Communication cartridge 1 In the computer
42 High speed pickup card 1 In the computer
43 Keyboard 1
44 Users manual 1
45 Installation and parts manual 1
46 Quality certification 1
47 After sales service manual 1
48 Cover 1
49 Protection lid 1

Gasoline engine

Test and data analysis of primary/secondary ignition waveform, spark energy and waveform characteristics for normal ignition (distributor) engine

Test and data analysis of primary/secondary ignition waveform, spark energy and waveform characteristics for single-cylinder (independent) ignition engine

Test and data analysis of primary/secondary ignition waveform, spark energy and waveform characteristics for double-cylinder (DIS) ignition engine

Ignition advance angle test


Parameter Range Precision

RPM 0~8000rpm 1%

Ignition ADV 0~60???

Ignition voltage 0~40KV 5%

Spark voltage 0~4000V 5%

Ignition duration 0.04~9.99ms 0.04ms

Cranking current 0~900A 5%