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Spinal Stretch is an FDA-registered device that can relieve your low back pain through powerful and effective spinal decompression. It addresses the root cause of most low back pain using technology developed from the latest advances in medical research.Portable back pain relief offer soothing relief and meditative experience with tensile force .If aromatherapy is not for you, then the Spinalstretch products are your answer for physical therapy.
Works in just minutes a day.
Light weight just 4lbs making it portable and easy to carry
No use place limited,at home,at work or while traveling
Easy set-up and assembly.
No difficult posture.
Make treatment in joy,Use it while reading,listening to music or watcing TV
Provide a very soothing,meditative experience
No special using device required,All you need is “a door and floor”
Perfect for use after long plane fights-fits in a laptop roller bag!.