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Some advantages of our product:
1. Lower basic cost with lightweight, low request for foundation, low consumption of steel.
2. High degree of standardization. We can produce the standard components which can be installed on-the-spot.
3. Simple, easy and efficient to install within a short amount of time due to superior component design which are connected by standard bolts.
4. Easy to understand . The bolted silo is equipped with relevant accessories, such as: conveyor, ventilation, drying and monitoring devices, etc. to ensure the quality and safety of the material stored in the silo.
5. Easy to maintain. As the parts of the silo are connected by standard bolts, so it is easy to remove or repair it.
6. Low cost and long tenure of use. The cost of bolted silo is just 35%-50% of the cement silo with the same specification; and its life span can reach 30 years.

- Commercial Type (Flat Bottom) Steel Silos with capacity from 100 tone to 10.000 tone
- Conical Type (Hopper Bottom) Steel Silos with capacity from 10 tone to 1.000 tone
Silos includes level sensors,aeration system with centrifugal fan,temperature control system and sweep auger as an option.
- Bucket Elevator with capacity from 1 tone/hour to 400 tone/hour
- Chain Conveyor with capacity from 1 tone/hour to 400 tone/hour
- Screw Conveyor with capacity from 1 tone/hour to 200 tone/hour
- Elevator Towers
- Electrical and Manuel controlled Slide gates
- Distrubutors with 1 in 2/3/4/5/6 out
- Catwalks
- Spout Pipes
- Drying Machines ( Tower Type and Horizontal Type ) with capacity from 5 tone/hour to 50 tone/hour
- Mill Machines with capacity from 5 tone/hour to 50 tone/hour
- Pellet Machines with capacity from 5 tone/hour to 50 tone/hour