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1. Description
001*8 is a high purity premium grade ,high capacity, gelular, sulfonated, polystyrene cation resin supplied in the sodium or hydrogen form as moist, tough, uniform, spherical beads. 001×8 is intended for use in all water softening, dealkalization, deionization and chemical processing applications.
2.Typical Physical and Chemical Properties:
①Polymer Matrix Structure: Crosslinked Polystyrene Divinylbenzene
②Physical Form and Appearance: Brown yellow to buown grey color beads
③Functional Groups: R-SO3ˉ
④Ionic Form ,as shipped: Na+
⑤Total Capacity, Na+ form, wet, volumetric: ≥2.0 eq/l min
⑥Moisture Retention, Na+ form : 43-48%
⑦Particle Size Range: 0.3mm-1.2mm
⑧<300 μm (max.): 1%
⑨Uniformity Coefficient (max.): 1.6
⑩effective size: 0.4-0.7mm
⑾Reversible Swelling            Na+ → H+ (max.): 8%
                                 Ca2+→Na+(max.): 4%
⑿Shipping Weight (approx.): 780 -880g/l
⒀Specific Gravity, moist Na+ Form: 1.29
⒁Temperature Limit: 120°C (250 °F)
⒂pH Range, Stability: 0 - 14
3.Suggested Operating Condition
①Maximum Temperature   Na+ Form: 120°C (248°F) max.
                                   H+ Form :   100°C (212°F) max.
②Backwash Rate: 25 to 50% Bed Expansion
③Regenerant Concentration: Hydrogen Cycle 3% HCl or 2 to 3% H2SO4
                                 Sodium Cycle 6% to 8% NaCl or 3% NaOH
④Regenerant  dosage:  HC1 or  H2SO4 HC1 or H2SO4 volume:resin volume =3:1
                                 NaCl  NaCl volume:resin volume =2:1
                                 NaOH NaOH volume:resin volume =3:1
⑤Regenerant Flow Rate:  2 to 4 BV/h
⑥Regenerant  contact Time: At least 40 minutes
⑦Service Flow Rate:  10-25m/h
It is used in water softening applications and Demineralization, good kinetic performance across a wide range of operating conditions while offering excellent chemical and physical stability