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1. Description
D001 is a premium grade ,high cross-linked, macroporous strong acid cation exchange resin based on sulfonated polystyrene cross-linked with DVB, The higher DVB content together with its macroporous structure gives D001 increase resistance to thermal, chemical and physical shocks and enhances overall stability.D001 is intended for use in water softening, dealkalization, deionization and chemical processing applications. It is ideally suited for use in severe operating conditions, especially where standard grade resin are known to fail due to thermal,osmotic or oxidative attack.
2.Typical Physical and Chemical Properties:
①Polymer Matrix Structure: Styrene Crosslinked with DVB
②Physical Form and Appearance: Macroporous spherical beads
③Functional Groups: R-SO3ˉ
④Ionic Form ,as shipped: Na+
⑤Total Capacity, Na+ form, wet, volumetric: ≥1.75 eq/l min
⑥Moisture Retention, Na+ form: 45-55%
⑦Particle Size Range: 0.45mm-1.25mm
⑧Uniformity Coefficient (max.) : 1.6 or 1.4
⑨effective size: ≥0.5mm
⑩Reversible Swelling: Na+ → H+ (max.) 5%
⑾Shipping Weight (approx.): 770 -850g/l
⑿Specific Gravity, moist Na+ Form: 1.25
⒀Temperature Limit: 120°C (250 °F)
⒁pH Range, Stability: 0 - 14
3.Suggested Operating Condition
①Maximum Temperature: Na+ Form 120°C (248°F) max.
                            H+ Form 100°C (212°F) max.
②Backwash Rate:  25 to 50% Bed Expansion
③Regenerant Concentration: Hydrogen Cycle 3% HCl or 2 to 3% H2SO4
                                  Sodium Cycle 6% to 8% NaCl or 3% NaOH
④Regenerant  dosage: HC1 or  H2SO4 HC1 or H2SO4 volume:resin volume =3:1
         NaCl volume:resin volume =2:1
         NaOH volume:resin volume =3:1
⑤Regenerant Flow Rate: 2 to 4 BV/h
⑥Regenerant  contact Time: At least 40 minutes
⑦Service Flow Rate: 10-25m/h
They are mainly used Demineralization and Softening ,water treatment in high flow mixed bed system, catalysis of organic reactions.