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1. Description
201*7 is a clear gel Type 1 strong-base anion exchanger with both high operating capacity and the ability to achieve low residual silica levels. It has a clear gel structure, showing excellent regeneration efficiency and rinse characteristics. It has exceptional physical stability for a conventional gel-type resin which permits a long life without the development of excessive pressure drop; it also shows good kinetics of exchange, enabling very low concentration levels of both strong and weak anions to be achieved at practical flowrates
2.Typical Physical and Chemical Properties:
①Polymer Matrix Structure: Crosslinked Polystyrene Divinylbenzene
②Physical Form and Appearance: Spherical beads
③Functional Groups: R-N(CH3)3+
④Ionic Form ,as shipped: CL-
⑤Total Capacity, CL form, wet, volumetric: ≥1.4eq/l min
⑥Moisture Retention, CL form: 42-48%
⑦Particle Size Range: 0.3mm-1.2mm
⑧<0.3mm (max.):  1%
⑨Uniformity Coefficient (max.) : 1.6
⑩effective size: 0.4-0.7mm
⑾Reversible Swelling   CL-→ OH –(max.): 18-25%
⑿Shipping Weight (approx.): 670 -730g/l
⒀Specific Gravity, moist Na+ Form: 1.09
⒁pH Range, Stability: 0 - 14
3.Suggested Operating Condition
①Maximum Temperature: OH- Form 60 °C (140°F) max.
                            CL- Form 80 °C (176°F) max
②Backwash Rate:  50 to 75% Bed Expansion
③Regenerant Concentration: 2-4% NaOH
④Regenerant  dosage: NaOH volume:resin volume =3:1
⑤Regenerant Flow Rate: 2 to 4 BV/h
⑥Regenerant  contact Time: At least 40 minutes
⑦Service Flow Rate: 10-25m/h
It is mainly used in pure water and high purity water manufacturing, extraction and decolorization of biochemical products, wastewater treatment, separation of organics, extraction of radioelements, extracting the tungsten and molybdenum in hydrometallurgy etc