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1. Description
D213 is a sort of anion exchange resin which has quaternary ammonium group [-N(CH3)3OH] in the cross linking crylic acid framework with macroporous structure. It is used mainly as the organic substance removing matter as well as absorb resin in decolorization .
2.Typical Physical and Chemical Properties:
①Polymer Matrix Structure:  Acrylic Crosslinked with DVB
②Physical Form and Appearance: Spherical beads
③Functional Groups: R-N(CH3)3+
④Ionic Form ,as shipped: CL-
⑤Total Capacity, Na+ form, wet, volumetric: ≥0.85eq/l min
⑥Moisture Retention, Na+ form: 65-75%
⑦Particle Size Range: 0.40mm-1.25mm
⑧<0.4mm (max.): 1%
⑨Uniformity Coefficient (max.): 1.6
⑩effective size: 0.5-0.7mm
⑾Shipping Weight (approx.): 650 -720g/l
⑿Specific Gravity, moist Na+ Form: 1.08
⒀pH Range, Stability: 0 - 14
3.Suggested Operating Condition
①Maximum Temperature: CL- Form 75°C (155°F) max.
②Bed depth, min.: 600 mm
③Backwash Rate:  50 to 75% Bed Expansion
④Regenerant Concentration: 2-4% NaOH
⑤Regenerant  dosage: NaOH volume:resin volume =3:1
⑥Regenerant Flow Rate: 2 to 8 BV/h
⑦Regenerant  contact Time: At least 60 minutes
⑧Service Flow Rate: 10-25m/h
For Efficient Demineralization Including Silica Removal,Preparation of pure water from high organic water source. The resin has high operating exchange property, and strong anti-pollution characteristics.