Product Main


Industrial hydrofluoric acid,
HF acid, chemicals, inorganic acid, industrial chemical, metal cleaning chemical,
CAS No. :7664-39-3,
Molecular Formula: HF,
Molecular Weight: 20.01,
The product is a colorless and transparent solution. It has a strongly pungent odor and a strong toxicity. It is very corrosive.
The product is used in Chemical industry, Metallurgical Industry, Glass Industry, Mine, Petroleum and Atomic Energy Industry.
The product should be stored in a storehouse with good ventilation.
It should be treated as Grade A inorganic acid corrosive goods during its transportation.
The product is refilled in a polythene plastic drum; Of course, We can also fill it on consumers' requests.
Our main products are hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen fluoride acid, ammonia hydrogen fluoride, ammonium bifluoride, ammonium fluoride, Acid-grade fluorspar powder, calcium fluoride