Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCL) are high performance needle punched enbironmental reinforced composites which combine two duiable geotextile outer layers with a uniform core of natural soidum bentonite clay to form a hydraulic barrier.Fibers from the non-woven geotextile are needle punched through the layer of bentonite and incorporated into the other geotextile.
When hydrated under a confining load,the bentonite swells to form a low permeability clay layer with the equbalent hydraulic peojection of several feet of compacted clay.The excellent properties make the products ideal for many projects.
GCL is Natural Material,well duiability,non-toxicity,no corrosion,and it won't be aging.
High expansion rate,high water absorbing capacity,low specific water conductivity.
High filter rate,it can self-repair invisible leaks by moving of bentonite.
Construction simple and quick,low requirement of surface treatment.It can be cutted and layed as your require.Everyone can use it,don't need any professionals and professional construction machinery.