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CTFA Nomenclature: N-Vinylpyrrolidone
Chemical Structure: C6H9NO
CAS No.: 88-12-0

Physical Properties:
 exists as colorless to light yellow transparent liquid with faint odor at room temperature .It can be dissolved in water and varieties of organic solvents.It is reactive and susceptible to hydrolyze and polymerize.

Soluble in Water,Methyl alcoho.Ethyl acetate alcohol,Methylene chloride Hydrocarbon.
.Kept away form light in scaled containers at low temperature under neutral or faint basic conditions.
.NVP had average toxicity and faint odor.It is corrosicve to rubber and leather.Be sure not to enter eyes or spray to skin.
.NVP can self-polymerize when shaken or preserved for a long time or under illumination,so the antipolymerizer is needed,which should be distilled befroe use.