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Chemical Name: polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
CTFA Nomenclature: Insoluble PVPP
CAS No.: 25249-54-1
Molecular formula: (C6H9NO)n

Physical Properties:
 exists as white or slight yellow,free flowing hydroscopic powder with odorless or faint characteristic smell.It's insoluble in water,alkali,acid and common organic reagents.Stereoscan photographs show that it is voluminous particulars and has large total surface and lots of porosity which is between 2-10mm.It can swell in water easily and can complex with polypbenol,carboxylic acids other low molecular weight compounds.PVPF can only be used once and PVPR can be reused after regenerated.

 Used as stabilizer for beer,wine,vinegar and many juice and beverage to prolong their storage life.
.Used as disintegrant for tabel pill,parrical-like granule and capsule drug in Harmaceutical industry.