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Name: Cassia Nomame Extract
Country of Origin: Hangzhou
Specifications: 8~60% Dimer Flavan (UV-VIS)
Model: GS004

Product Description:
Cassia Nomame P.E. is a new source in the natural product industry to help people with weight problems by using its lipase inhibition activity to prevent the fat absorption. This time in a natural fashion, the mechanism of lipase inhibition demonstrated by a new OTC pharmaceutical has already been marketed. It has become very popular in the recent years for its help to lose weight naturally without the side effects of the synthesized obesity drugs.  

Flavanols extract from Cassia Nomame is a natural lipase inhibitor, which inhibits the lipase enzyme that breaks down fat for absorption. With this enzyme "blocked" from doing its job, fat passes through the body unabsorbed. Cassia Nomame also acts as a natural diuretic providing thermogenesis action to stimulate the burning of fat cells within the body.