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1, Ozone water physiology process
  Ozone can be oxygenized when it's been exposured in air for 15 minutes,and High oxygen content drinking water can lighten the burden of the respiratory system, enhance the function of human organs,and reduce the air pollution on human body.
2, Ozone water for Infants and women
   Ozone water can increase blood oxygenation, often drinking ozone water, is advantageous to the body rehabilitation from illness as well as the infant's growth, and can prevent and avoid disease, to alleviate the pain of menstrual disorders caused by various factors.
3,Ozone water for Aged Group
  Old people's respiratory and circulatory system gradually ageing, which will naturally lead to lower blood oxygenation, and thus causes various diseases. Often drinking ozone water can slow down this process, can prevent diseases caused by oxygen reduction in blood.
4,Ozone water for Students
  Ozone water can make students easily concentrate , clear-headed, improve adaptability to changes , enhance memory, all these processes are all through incresing the oxygen content.
5,Ozone water for mental workers
  Due to long and excessive brain activity, lack of sleep, will make the body easily build up large lactic acid, easily become fatigue. Ozone water can  compensate for  body hypoxia, can immediately eliminate accumulation of lactic acid, making these mental workers keep the best state to work.
6,Ozone water for athletes
  Ozone water  provides  energy  for full-time training
7, Ozone water on the plateau and anoxic environment to live and work the utility
  Often drinking ozone water, can effectively prevent and reduce due to environmental hypoxia cause human body blood oxygenated reduce caused disease. Ozone water is becoming American miners and plateau assignments such personnel necessities of life.
8, The adjusting utility of ozone water  for jet lag
   Ozone water can prevent and reduce the discomfort caused by jet lag. Experiments have proved that often drink ozone water can help adjust biological clock automatically.
9,Ozone water on hairdressing
 Because the skin is strinctly related to blood oxygen levels, can sufficiently  maintain and increase blood oxygenation, thus can achieve the result of hairdressing