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Water-soluble Ammonium Polyphosphate(SCI-W-APP)
Chemical type : Ammonium polyphosphate with short chain and low polymerization degree.
Appearance : White, granule fine powder, easy to absorb water. PH value is neutral.
Model: SCI-W-APP
Specification :

SCI-Guaranteed Value
White granular powder or lumps
P2O5 content %
≥ 46
N content %
≥ 24
pH value ( 1% aqueous solution )
7.5± 1.0
Solubility (25oC) (g/100ml H2O)
> 45
Water insoluble matter % ≤
Characteristics :
1. Powder solid, stable property, convenient for transportation, storage and use .
2. PH value is neutral, safe and stable during production and use, good compatibleness, not to react with other flame retardant and auxiliary .
3. High P-N content, appropriate proportion, excellent synergistic effect and reasonable price.
Use : To prepare 20%P-N flame retardant, used solely or together with other materials in the flameproof treatment for textiles, papers, fibers and woods, etc. If special treatment, can be used to prepare high-concentration flameproof liquid to 50% to meet the flameproof requirement of special production.
Packing : 25kg woven bag with plastic liner or 875kg big bag. Stored in well ventilated and dry places.
Loading capacity: 13mt/20' FCL with pallets. 17mt/20' FCL without pallets,