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PTFE Envelope Gasket

WFY - 3400
WFY 3400 consists of rubber-asbestos, non-asbestos, corrugated stainless steel etc. cushion material encased in PTFE envelope, resulting in a gasket with the excellent corrosion resistance of PTFE and the strength and resilience of core meterial. It can be produced in several types to meet the mostdemanding applications.

WFY 3400 PTFE Envelope Gaskets are the ideal solution for applications demanding virtually 100% chemical resistance and where the mechanical properties of a compressed gasket material are also needed. They perform well in the food and process industries where contamination of the medium cannot be permitted, Suitable for medium strong alkalis, cryogenic fluids, oxygen, chlorine gas etc.

*Virtually 100%chemically resistant.
*Temperature range from -200. C to + 250. C, depending on the core.
*Mechanical strength dependent on core selection.
*Pressure<=4 Mpa


ASME B16.5, DIN, and according to your requirement
Normal  Thickness:
Thickness of core: 2.0mm
Thickenss of PTFE: 0.5mm+ 0.5mm=1.0mm
The thickness of core or envelope can be adjusted.

From 20mm to 500 mm are made in one piece
From 500mm upwards are welded. There are no limitations regarding sizes for gaskets with welded envelopes.