Product Main


Molecular Formula : C2H3NaO2, NaAc Molecular Weight: 82.03
CAS No. : 127-09-3(No water)
6131-90-4 (three hydrated)
alkaline pKb = 9.25
chemicals description: organic. Formula:CH3COONa · 3H2O.
Colorless transparent crystal
density 145 grams/
Melting point 58 ºC .
123 ºC gesso when losing.
No water content 1.528 grams/ Soluble in water (76 g / 100 ml (0 ° C) after heating, a boom) solubility of weakly alkaline. Slightly soluble in ethanol. Also called "hot ice".
USES: used as photographing, printing and dyeing, chemical reagents and meat anticorrosive, making warm handbags, etc.