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GuanLi Insulation manufacture a range of highly efficient air filtration media for use in commercial air treatment systems that maintain a healthy and clean air environment free from airborne dust and other particulate matter in all types of commercial buildings.
Manufactured from hypoallergenic polyester, GuanLii's range of filtration media, including electrostatically charged filter media, is fully compliant to AS1324.1 and meets the rigorous requirements of the building Code to help maintain high air quality, so essential for health and comfort.
 Filter Media is made from thermally bonded polyester to suit a wide range of air filtration applications. Each media has been designed to meet specific performance criteria and service life in a variety of configurations.
Filtration for better health
The air we breathe is a mixture of gasses including nitrogen, oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and trace gases. Each day we inhale around ten kilos of air. If this air contains pollutants, we inhale them into our bodies and they can affect our health. So to protect people's health and the environment, we need air filtration and air pollution controls systems to keep indoor and outdoor air clean.