Product Main


The steel rolling mill train which can be manufactured by us are described as following: 800 steel rolling mill train, 650 steel rolling mill train, 550 steel rolling mill train, 500 steel rolling mill train, 450 steel rolling mill train, 350 steel rolling mill train, 300 steel rolling mill train, 280 steel rolling mill train and 250 steel rolling mill train. 
   we can manufacture the full continuous rolling production line, semi-continuous rolling production line and open-train (Belgian) mill train production line with yearly capacity 10,000MT-500,000MT for the users. We can also manufacture various full automatization and semi automatization production line.
   Our main products are: angle rolling mill production line, deformed bar rolling production line, round bar rolling mill production line, channel steel rolling mill production line,  strip rolling mill production line, 5.5-6.5 wire rolling mill production line, I-beam rolling mill production line for mine and so on. Various medium-frequency furnace, electrical furnace, electric arc furnace, and continuous caster are also in our supply scope. Meantime, our factory also can process and manufacture reducer, coupler, universal joint, cooling bed, flying shear, pusher, lifting platform, furnace delivery table etc. auxiliary equipments which are relative to production line.