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Cactus Plant Extract                   
Product name: Cactus Plant Extract
Latin name: Opuntia dillenii haw/opuntia ficus-indica
Botanical source:this product is a cactus family plant a cactus opuntia dillenii haw root and stem extracts.
Part used:Root of opuntia dillenii haw
Appearance:Yellow fine Powder
Active Ingredient: extract ratio 10: 1  20: 1 100: 1
Specification: 10: 1  20: 1 100: 1
Molecular Formula: C19H28O2
Molecular weight: 350.50
CAS NO: 532-32-1
Test mothed:uv
Suggested application
1.       clearing away heat and toxic.
2.       promoting blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.
3.       anti-inflammatory.
4.       using for slimming and weight loss,fast effective in slimming.