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    The Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) include leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The combination of these three makes up about 1/3 of all amino acids in the body and 14% of skeletal muscle tissue. “Branched chain” refers to their chemical structure, which differentiates them from other amino acids. BCAAs are considered to be essential amino acids because the human body cannot produce them and they must be present in the diet.
    BCAAs help to maintain muscle tissue and preserve glycogen stores. They are important fuel sources for skeletal muscle during intense exercise or other metabolic stresses. In fact, during stressful periods BCAAs are needed by the body in greater quantities than any other amino acid. Because of their ability to increase protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown, they help build muscle during and after exercise. Because they are a primary source of energy during exercise, supplemental BCAAs may also extend the time you can exercise before fatiguesets in.

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