Product Main


Basic information:
CAS no: 1314-13-2
Item no
White powder
Purity ﹪
Loss on drying﹪
Loss on ignition﹪
Particle size,nm
1.     easy to disperse and form highly dispersed, uniform and stable dispersion system
2.     small size, high purity, large surface area, and high chemical activity
3.     the product has a strong anti-UV and anti-aging properties
4. The product can increase strength, density, adhesion and brightness of coating
5. Products have the property of shielding infrared, ultraviolet and sterilization, and many other strange features due to its high activity.
6. The product contributes to the stability of pigment dispersion
7. The product is a good photo catalyst. Under UV irradiation, it can decompose organic substances, anti-bacterial and deodorant, can be used for environmental protection coating.
8. Advantage of light weight, thin, light in color, strong ability of absorbing of the product has made it a hot spot of absorbing coating.
9. The conductivity of zinc oxide can make coating to be anti-static.