Molecular Formula: ZnCl2 in water
CAS Number 7646-85-7
Physical State : Liquid
Boiling Point : 120º to 150° C
248º to 315ºF
Freezing Point* : 40º to -70º F
Vapor Pressure: Ca. 3mm.
Vapor Density*: Vapor is water
Volitiles %* 29 to 50
Specific Gravity :1. 57 To 2. 0
Solubility In H2O 100%
Evaporation Rate :Less than 1 (Butyl Acetate = 1)
Color: Colorless
Appearance :Clear liquid
Odor: Odorless
pH : 2. 0
ZnCl2 Itself is hygroscopic and even deliquescent. Samples should therefore be protected from sources of moisture, including the water vapor present in ambient air. Zinc chloride finds wide application in textile processing, metallurgical fluxes, and chemical synthesis.