Product Main


activated carbon was developed by  in 2001, the absorption rate of co2 is higher than those import from oversea market when test under the same condition. The product characterized by large specific surface area, high buck density, high strength and low ash. The product specializes for producing hydrogen, exchange gas decarbonizing and CO2 recycling in PSA engineering. SH-02 activated carbon also characterized by high mechanical strength and excellent durable ability, it can be used for more than ten year under normal condition.
  Item Specifications
Mean diameterφ1.5--2(φ3)mm
Bulk density ≥0.58g/cm3
Ash ≤4%
Moisture ≤5%
Hardness ≥96%
CO2 absorption rate ≥64ml/g
(Condition: zero degree, Absolute Pressure 1×10-6mbar) ≥44ml/cm3