Product Main


 CAS No.: 7664-38-2
Molecular Formula: H3PO4
Molecular weight: 97.99
Content: 85% min.
Density: 1.6850 ( under 25C)
2. Properties:
Phosphoric Acid is Colorless, transparent and syrupy liquid; It is
Odorless and tastes very sour; Its melting point is 42.35; It is easily
Soluble in water and resolves in ethanol; It may irritate human skin to
Cause phlogosis and destroy the issue of human body; It has got
3. Specifications: -----------------------Industrial Grade -----------Food Grade
H3PO4 % mix ----------------------------- 85.0 ---------------------- 85.0
Chloride (as Cl-) % max ----------------- 0.0005 -------------------- 30
Sulphate (SO4-) % max ------------------- 0.005 -----
Iron (Fe) % max --------------------------0.002 --------
Arsenic (as As) % max ------------------- 0.005 -------------------- 0.00005
Heavy metals (as Pb) % max -------------- 0.001 -------------------- 0.0005
Oxidable (as H3PO3) % max --------- --- ---------------------------- 0.012
Fluoride (as F) % max -------------- --- --------------------------- 0.001
4. Usage:
Phosphoric Acid Tech Grade: For making Monoammonium Phosphate,
Diammonium Phosphate, Monopotassium phosphate, Disodium phosphate, Sodium Tripolyphosphate and Sodium Hexametaphosphate, etc; Also be used in metal surface phosphating compounding electrolytic polishing liquid and chemical polishing liquid.
Phosphoric Acid Food Grade: Acidity agent for acidic drinking liquid,
Acidity is 7-8 times than that for citric acid, for making many kinds
Of food grade phosphate, such as Tribasic sodium phosphate, Tribasic
Potassium phosphate, Triammonium phosphate, Calcium phosphate, aluminium phosphate, magnesium phosphate etc.