Each Capsule contains:
It is usually used in rickettsial infections.including ehrlichiosis,typhus,spotted fevers,trench fever,and Q feve,chlamydial infections,including paittacosis,lymphogranuloma venereum,trachoma,nongonococcal urethritis,chlaydialconjunctivitis,and pharyngitis,sinusitis,or peneumonia due to Chlamydia pneumoniae;and mycoplasmal infections,especially peneumonia caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae.it is also widely used as part of regimens for pelvic inflammatory disese and often used as the treatmentof cholera,replapsing fever and in early stages of lyme disease.and it can be used as an alternative to other drugs in treatment of antinomycosis,infected animal bites,anthrax,bronchitis,gastro-enteritis,granuloma inguinale,leptospirosis,and syphilis.
As it has antiprotozoal action and maybe given in conjunction with quinine in the management of falciparum malaria resistant to chloroquine,it is the usual treat ment for balantidiasis and they have been used in amoebiasis in assiciation with an amoebicide in the treatment of severe amoebic dysenter and in Dientamoeba fragilis infections.and has been use in the management of malabsorption syndromes such as tropical sprue.