Product Main


Allantoin 99%/EP6
Chemical Name: 1-(4-Chlorophenoxy)-1-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-3,3-dimethyl-2-butanone
CAS number: 97-59-6
Molecular Formular: C4H6N4O3

Appearance:A White or Almost White Powder
Texture:Crystalline Powder
Identification:A, B, C, D Positive
Optical Rotation:-0.10 to + 0.10
Reducing substance:Complies
Related substance: Complies
Melting Point(C): About 225C
Ash Content:<0.1%
PH: 4.5 - 6
Loss On Drying:<0.1%
Heavy Metals (As Pb): <10PPm
Chloride (CL-):<0.05%
Sulfate Ash (SO-4):99%
Allantoin has long been known to enhance the efficacy and desirability of cosmetic creams and lotions by its action as a skin protectant.
Allantoin has also been incorporated into shampoos, lipsticks, shaving creams, suntan products, bath foams, hair gels, baby powders and various aerosol preparations. It has also been used in topical ** markets. Most recently, Allantoin has been used in various dental preparations such as toothpaste and mouthwash.
To incorporate more than 0.5% Allantoin into an emulsion product, the emulsion is made and then Allantoin is added during the cooling process and below 50°C. Good agitation is required to thoroughly disperse the Allantoin.