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Standardized Belladonna Extract powder.
Botanical Source: Atropa belladonna L
Preparation: Belladonna extract is obtained from comminuted Atropa belladonna by extraction with certain solvents.
Appearance: Brown concentrate liquid or powder
Content of active compounds: The Extract contains not less than 0.75-2.0% of Hyoscyamine. By HPLC
Package: 25/KG per Poly drum or packed with little parcel.
Sample/ COA / MSDS are available
Studies of the product: Belladonna has very similar uses to the related deadly nightshade (A. bella-donna). The roots and leaves are used in China as anodyne, diuretic, mydriatic, narcotic and sedative. The following uses for deadly nightshade are also probably applicable for this species[K]:- Although it is poisonous, deadly nightshade has a long history of medicinal use and has a wide range of applications, in particular it is used to dilate the pupils in eye operations, to relieve intestinal colic and to treat peptic ulcers. The plant can be used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, reducing tremors and rigidity whilst improving speech and mobility. This is a very poisonous plant, it should be used with extreme caution and only under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. An extract of the plant has been used as eyedrops. It has the effect of dilating the pupils thus making it easier to perform eye operations.
Medicinal Use:
1. Anti-alkali for the gallbladder;
2. prevent from excreting of the gland;
3. cure the gastric and duodenum ulcer;
4. relieve the convulsion of stomach and the intestine, as well as the angina of kidney and gallbladder