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[Product Name]: Schisandrae Extract
[Botanical Source]: Schizandrae Chinensis
[Part of Plant Used]: Fruit
[Active Ingredient]: Schisandrins 2%, 9% ; ratio (10:1) ,by UV
[Appearance]: Red brown powder
[Molecular Formula]: C24H32O6
[CAS No.]: 61281-38-7
[packing details]; 25Kg per Drum. Packed in two plastic-bags with paper-drum outside.
[Common Usages]:
This herb is used in formulas to treat asthma with cough, shallow breathing and
wheezing, frequent urination, early morning diarrhea, spontaneous sweating and
night sweats, insomnia, diabetes syndrome, and palpitations.
[Traditional Usages and Functions]:
Contains leakage of Lung Qi and stops coughing; stops diarrhea; stops excessive sweating; calms Spirit. This herb is used in formulas that support the Organs in their proper function, especially Kidneys and Liver, by restraining leakage of vital energy and Fluids.
[Common Formulas Used In]:
Cerebral Tonic Pills; Concha Marguerita and Ligustrum; Eight Immortal Long Life
Pill; Fritillaria Extract Tablet; Ginseng and Zizyphus; Xanthium and Magnolia.
[Cautions in Use]:
Do not use where there are excess heat imbalances or in early stages of