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Item Type: Camping Lights
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Solar Light Manufacturers, Solar Lantern Manufacturers, Solar Lights China
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Solar energy technical training and buy light blue steelliner,split type central hot water system etc.the right to use the patent.Expertspointed out that suggesting that solar energy industry in our country started by the"output"to"output" March 2007,light group jointly Slovakia's hometogether to form the European branch,together with the development and promotion ofsolar water heating systems become the industry first set in foreign company enterprise.At present,light group headquarters and European companies on the European market hasreached a consensus of new research and development,for research and development forthe European market,products,light products began to enter the European May 2008,the light group in Spain established solar radiance branch.Thisyear the establishment of subsidiaries of all solar radiance named is to promote GOMONtrademark go out of the country,walking in the world.At the same time,also led wholeindustry began to pay attention to the independent brand,independent intellectualproperty rights of export.Cooperation plan in accordance with the lights in Spanishcompanies established research and development laboratory,around the market,a Spanishconstruction characteristics,research and development for the local market of solarenergy and building integration technology,light company will also for the staff of thecompany to provide the installation,services,technology and so on a series oftraining.3,with strategic partners to accelerate the development of the internationalmarket network.Ray has worked in Slovakia,Spain,South Korea,Hongkong and othercountries and regions to set up branches or offices,and then use a variety of resourcesto speed up the strategic partnership system,with international solar energy companies,real estate construction enterprises,foreign key customers and other strategic partnersto become South Korea,Germany,Spain and more than 200 large enterprise groups in theAsia Pacific region,a series of products are exported to Europe,North America,Southeast Asia and more than 80 countries and regions.This year,we have established astrategic partnership with AO Smith,CO research and development and promotion of thecentral heating system in a way.

ABS + Metal handle
60pcs high bright LEDs and more than 210 lumens light output
6V 4.5AH lead acid SMF battery
3W solar panel
AC/DC adapter
ABS + Metal handle
Carton size:66*38*34cm