Futong offers a wide range of railway axles, including: railway wagon axle, passenger coach axle, locomotive axles and metro&light rail axles. We have got DB & ARR certificate, passed Alstom Class B supplier certification, and can produce axle according to EN 13261, AAR M 101, UIC 811, IRS R 16.
I. 50 Steel RE2A Axle
It is applicable to the speed of 120km/h, gross rail load on wheel set is 25T.
Whole leagth: 2191 mm
Journal diameter: 150mm
Wheel seat diameter: 210mm
Axle diameter: 184mm
II. 50 Steel RD 2 Axle
It is applicable to the speed of 120km/h, gross rail load on wheel set is 21T.
Whole length: 2146 mm
Journal diameter: 130mm
Wheel seat diameter: 194mm
Axle diameter: 174mm