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Product Description
 Box is pre-installed substation substation distribution network the end of manufacturing in the factory pre-assembled, including transformers, high voltage interval and control equipment, low voltage interval, control equipment, internal wiring, metering, compensation, surge arresters and other auxiliary equipment configuration or in a public housing A shell, and through a complete type test substation, a new urban and rural transformation substation equipment is widely used in urban street lighting, green areas, high-rise buildings, commercial centers, residential areas, villages, factories and railway power supply . Widely used in urban network construction, to replace the power distribution room and pillar construction of new power distribution transformer installations, me change is not installed properly before use should be placed in the appropriate places provided.
Product work characteristics: 
 1. based on site requirements and easy maintenance, can be of high and low voltage transformer room to room and head-shaped layout or quality font layout. 
 2. power supply with terminal type, ring type, dual power supply and other methods can be applied Inlet and outlet lines, aerial or cable feed. 3. According to the requirements of the environment can choose a variety of colors and materials of the shell, make me change the harmony with the surrounding environment; 4. with a complete set of strong, small footprint, siting flexibility, adaptability to the environment can greatly reduce land Waste of resources and investors make me change the foundation of the economic costs; 
 5. can be chosen according to the requirements of users of various high and low voltage switch configured to meet the needs of users;
Conditions of Use: 
 1. Altitude: ≤ 1000 m; 
 2. Ambient temperature: maximum temperature of +40 ℃, the lowest temperature of -30 ℃; 
 3. Humidity: relative humidity at not more than 95% of the average monthly mean relative humidity of not more than 90%; 
 4 .. shock: the level of acceleration is not greater than 3m/s2. horizontal acceleration of 1.5 m/s2; 
 5. installation site gradient: less than 3 degrees; 
 6. installation environment: ambient air is not corrosive, flammable gas and other significant pollution, the installation site without severe shock; 
 Requirements over the above conditions can be determined in consultation with the Company.
 1. Installation me change professional installation company should be responsible for lifting and installation; 
 2. me change lifting see diagram 1, the top of the rope should be embedded within the right support lifting the lid to prevent me change roof damage; 
 3. After lifting, power cord, outlet and the grounding circuit, and closed box with a cement base and foundation of the contact surface changes the gap.
 1. me change the installation or maintenance is completed, the equipment put into use before a full inspection; 
 2. transformer installation is solid, the oil level is normal; 
 3. high-pressure counters operating mechanism is flexible, instrument is normal, the coupling piece is solid; 
 4. whether the low-voltage electrical layout of a program graph, is in the correct position, copper connection is solid, the instrumentation and auxiliary electrical circuit electrical contacts are consistent with the requirements of the schematic. Transmission was observed indicating the work of the instrument, can be put into normal operation, and close the box changes all the doors.
 1. me change should be regular maintenance to ensure equipment safety and maintenance of all user rights; 
 2. use of oil-immersed transformer box changes, at least during operation should be required each year once the oil sample analysis;
 3. high-voltage switchgear, after the required number of moves, check the switch contact, abnormal should be replaced immediately; 
 4. arrester shall annually conduct a before and after the storm season, preventive test.
Random data and accessories 
 > random data with certification, factory test reports, installation manual, circuit breakers samples, electrical program plans, secondary wiring diagram, keys, packing list, and agreed to be provided under the agreement spare parts. When ordering, please provide the following information: 
 > me change the type and capacity of the transformer; 
 > high-pressure equipment and the selection of a program graph and parameters of electrical components; 
 > technical requirements; 
 > equipment operating environment; 
 > Other technical requirements; 
 > me change the technical specification