R507c REFRIGERANT GAS is a colorless gas under ordinary temperatures, and a colorless & transparent liquid under the pressure of itself, mixed by HFC-143and HFC-125. And it is substitute for R502, used mainly in the low temperature refrigerating systems.
Property of chloride:
Molecular weight: 98.86
BP, º C: -47.1
Ice point º C
Critical temperature, º C: 70.9
Critical pressure, Mpa: 3.79
Density of saturated liquid25 º C, (g/cm3): 1.04
Specific heat of liquid 25 º C, [KJ/(Kg° )]: 1.49
Solubility(water, 25 º C )%: 0.89
ODP: 0.000
GWP: -
Critical density, g/cm3: 500.0
Vaporization heat under BP, KJ/Kg: 196.0