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Description Our campany supply the butyl acetate
Best price and high qulity
Serial No Item Data
1 Molecular formula: CH3COOCH(CH3)CH2CH3
2 Relative molecule: 112.3
3 Appearance Colorless, with fruit flavor
4 Boiling point(Ordinary pressure): ° C -98.9
5 Melting point:° C 3.2
6 Vapour pressure(25° C) kPa 19(E-close)
7 Flash point: ° C 31(E-open)
8 Kinematic viscosity(20° C) mm2/s: 0.7762
9 Evaporation heat kJ/kg: 36.3
10 Specific heat(20° C) J/(mol. K): 1.92
11 Upper explosive limit %(v/v) Low explosive limit %(v/v)
15.0 1.7
12 Refractive index (20° C): 1.389