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Vibration test
Vibration importance: In many cases, mechanical vibrations can cause damage. It affects the function of precision instruments and equipment; reduce processing part accuracy and surface quality; increased component fatigue damage and wear, resulting in component damage caused by accident. But the use of vibration to make useful things, such as clocks, cleaning, ultrasonic vibration cutting, etc. Vibration problems in the production practice has been occupied an important position. It is necessary to observe the mechanical vibration, analysis, research, and testing is always an important and indispensable tool.
  Vibration test Category: ① the object of working vibration measurements and analysis. Its purpose is to assess the vibration intensity of the object,
Structure of the dynamic load and dynamic deformation, find local oscillator and the transmission path, monitoring equipment status.
                              ② incentive to put the object to vibrate, and then tested. The aim was to determine the object's dynamic
Assessment of anti-vibration features or capabilities, such as servo-controlled frequency scanning device.
An important feature of vibration is cyclical, Guchang need it for a variety of frequency domain analysis. In addition, many related to the vibration test methods for vibration based on the theory. From these two points of view, the amount of mechanical vibration test test than other more complex, involving a broader range of knowledge. Vibration test and analysis methods involving description and digital signal processing methods, many instruments but also for the vibration analysis function (or dynamic process) testing and design.