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Collagen juice beverage User’s Direction
Ossein Beverage takes the collagen that is extracted from deep sea fish as the main raw material, and conjugates with high quality supplementary ingredients (hyaloplasm acid and natural syrup etc.). The product is scientifically processed by using the unique processing technique and advanced production line, which effectively implements the reasonable arrange in groups and cooperative effects among each functional ingredient. By accompanying with guaranteeing the nutrition and health care function, it also gives the product great color, fragrance and taste
Supplementary Ingredients: Water, Fish Collagen, Hyaloplasm Acid, Concentrated Royal Fizz, Concentrated Orange Juice, Pectin, Calcium Lactate, Honey
Effective Ingredients: Collagen, Hyaloplasm Acid, Vc, Calcium Lactate
Health Care Function: Beauty Treatment (Keeping the moisture and elasticity of skin, postponing the skin consenescence), Strengthen bones.
Health Care Theory
Beauty Treatment: Collagen is the human skin and cartilage tissue’s important component, which has the function of nourishing, rehabilitating and keeping moisture for skin. Complementing collagen can not only make the skin be ripe and buildup skin’s elasticity but also prevent and postpone wrinkle. Collagen is a kind of macromolecule polysaccharides which takes acetyglucosamine and glucuronic acid as the structure unit, and has very high hydrophily, which can keep skin’s moisture and has important relation with skin’s tender and elasticity. Vc is antioxidant, which can postpone skin’s consenescence and accelerate biosynthesis and absorbing the collagen.   
Strengthen Bones: Complementing collagen can strengthen the body’s cartilage tissue and promote the arthral agility and rehabilitation. Calcium Lactate can supplement bones’ calcium, buildup bones’ intensity and prevent bone loosening.
The Suitable: Everyman may take it, especially fit for skin pachylosis and desiccation/wrinkle, and the people of high work and nervous pressure.
Unsuitable For: Nobody.
Specification: 30 ml
Shelf Life: 18 months
Storage: Keep sealed in a cool and dry place.
Using Methods and Dosage: Directly oral drink or dilute it with twice water. Drink it after breakfast and supper. Two bottles a day. Three or four bottles a day is good for the weak and the poor diet.   
Time of Taking Effect: After continuously drinking it for one week, the heath status will look up obviously.