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used combined cycle generating station Alsthom
The general information of Frame 6551B gas turbine combine cycle power plant equipment of Cogeneration Power Plant is as follows:  
Gas Turbine power unit  
GT Model: PG6551B 
Capacity: 36MW
GT Manufacturer: European Gas Turbine-EGT
GT Control system: Mark V
Manufacturer of load gearbox: France Flender-Graffenstaden
Manufacturer of generator: France Alsthom

Manufacturer: HangZhou Boiler Co. (China)
Model: Q393/542-66-3.82/450
Style: horizontal arrangement, single pressure, self-deoxygen, self-circling.
Steam Turbine/Generator Unit
Manufacturer of steam turbine: Harbin Steam Turbine Ltd., Co. (China)
Steam turbine model: N15-3.6/445
Generator Manufacturer: NanJing Steam Turbine Group Co. (China)
Model: QFW-15-2-10.5
Capacity: 14MW
For more details pls contact Ms. Mina Wang